Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 7 Nick D.

If you had 27 2" by 4" pieces of wood what would be the total width and hieghth?
Well actually a 2" by 4" is actually a 1 1/2" by 3 1/2" piece of wood. If you take that into consideration your answer would be 40.5 hieghth" by 94 1/2" width. But if you didn't take that into considertation the answer would be 54" hieghth by 108" width.

What was the biggest challenge you faced while you were working today? what steps did you take to defeat your challenge?
The biggest challenge today was trying to make all the wood pieces fit, because some gorups cut some of their wood to short so we had to recut some wood and repaint it. Then some of the pieces of ply wood were warped so we either had to cut some of it off or we had to push agianst the wood really hard. also when we were screwing nails in there were big beetween the two pieces of wood we were screwing. So we had to have a couple people push agianst the wood so there would be no gap and sometimes that did not work. After we lined up the wood and had no gaps we started nailing but sometimes we missed and we had to pull he nails back out and rejust the nails. So pretty much the whole day was a challenge.

What is your work fot tommorow?
Our work for the gaga pit for tommorow is to put the cap on the top of the wood so the people playing gaga have a place to rest their arms. We will have to put 7-8 screws or more in each of the caps to connect them to the other peices of wood. After we have put on the cap we would have to put another piece of wood on top of two studs so that when people hop out of the door there won't be just the plywood we would have a little plank so people can step on it. We would attatch the piece of wood to the studs by a piece of metal that connects the two pieces of wood through a place were you screw nails. after we do that we will have to paint of the nail heads to make it more professional.

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